Central Iowa Residential Services Inc. (CIRSI) is a private, not-for-profit organization providing advocacy; support; and services designed to help children and adults with intellectual disabilities or mental health issues. CIRSI’s development was the result of shared concerns and the hard work of four county ARC groups (Tama, Hardin, Poweshiek and Marshall). These parents were interested in offering intellectually disabled children and adults an alternative to institutional living.
CIRSI’s philosophy is that every person in entitled to dignity and respect in their life, regardless of their disability. We endeavor to provide support, empowerment and services that upholds each person’s dignity and respects the uniqueness of each person. We believe individuals have the right to make choices and decisions regarding how we utilize our strengths and meet our needs. CIRSI also believes people have the ability and motivation to learn and grow......at their own pace......in their own way.